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About Series


In the wake of a polarizing presidential election, ‘Option B’ unfolds a gripping narrative centered on Marcus Diggs, a former Marine veteran leading a revolutionary group of disillusioned professionals, also known as Option B.

Against a backdrop of societal unrest, this relentless story unfolds in a tight three-month timeframe. The group regulary executes strategic missions like tampering with water supplies near Capitol Hill in response to the ongoing water crisis in Flint, Michigan.

Beyond the action, Option B delves into intricate relationships, trust, and betrayal within the group, echoing the drama of acclaimed TV series.

With Marcus guiding their course, Option B explores themes of transformation and challenges America’s identity. This electrifying thriller immerses audiences in the indomitable human spirit’s pursuit of justice and a brighter future in a world long overdue for change.


Cast/Crew/Creators - team@boutswithbrilliance.com

Network Representatives & Partnerships - brian@boutswithbrilliance.com

Welcome to Bouts With Brilliance, where storytelling and innovation converge. We're a dynamic production company dedicated to creating captivating, thought-provoking films. From heartwarming dramas to thrilling narratives, we craft cinematic excellence. Join us on a journey where every frame is art, every story is an experience, and every film redefines storytelling.